Boost your coding productivity with AI Coder Buddy

Need help with coding? Our AI-powered assistant supports multiple languages and frameworks, providing you with instant support and enhancing your productivity.

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Support for 90 languages, frameworks, and libraries

AI Coder Buddy supports a wide range of programming languages, frameworks, and libraries, ensuring that you have the necessary assistance for your coding projects. The program has more than 145,000 code examples which can be accessed and searched in just seconds with a minimum of keystrokes using our AI-powered Fuzzy Search.

Offline coding support

With AI Coder Buddy, you don't need a constant internet connection. Your source code stays on your system, ensuring privacy and allowing you to code even without internet access. Code at the cottage!

Your privacy is totally protected. Your code and trade secrets can't be leaked.

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Boosted productivity

Our AI-powered coding assistant helps you write code faster and more efficiently, saving you time and increasing your productivity. Unlike other code assistants, we work differently. You don't need to enter part of the code and have the program provide suggestions and then complete it for you prompt by prompt. Rather, we just ask you to select the language or library you want to work in (say Express or Django) and then type in just a couple of keywords like : view registered users and boom! In less than a second the code is displayed. Then, press the copy button and it's instantly on the clipboard. 

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Solving the number one problem with coding assistants

Learning how to code something and starting to code it is the classical code assistant circular problem. What code do you type when you don't know how to code something?
AI Coder Buddy solves this dilemma in less than 1 second. Simply type what you want or even only the keywords. In the example shown here, we wanted to write a Python web page using Flask dealing with books, all we had to type was -- write flask boo -- and got 9 results in 1/2 of a second. Simple.

Community Support

Join our sub-Reddit to get community support. Our friendly sub-Redditers' can help.

Upcoming Features

We're working on all kinds of great upcoming features. As a program running as a subscription model, you get all new features, bug fixes, corrections and library expansions included in the price of your monthly subscription and can be insulated from price increases. 

99.9999% Uptime!

Since AI Coder Buddy runs on YOUR hardware, our lawyers pointed out that we can't guarantee 100% uptime. But it's close, (unless you drop your laptop).